We can provide superior coverage, emergency assistance, broad navigation limits, and much more.
We are your Ontario marine insurance specialists! Armour Insurance Brokers is a different kind of brokerage, designed with your busy lifestyle in mind. Our mandate is to provide a great boat and watercraft insurance product, catered to meet your individual needs. We can provide you with a quick, easy and understandable boat insurance quote.
Superior coverage that includes: uninsured boater or vessel, personal effects, watersports liability, agreed value, and more.
Emergency assistance for towing and medical emergencies, as well as search and rescue.
Broad navigation limits within coastal and inland waters.
Savings and discounts based on claims-free status, educations, anti-theft devices, and experience.
Loss of use coverage to provide you with a temporary replacement vessel.
Types of boats which we can find coverage for:
At Armour Insurance Brokers, we have all your boat and watercraft needs covered. Contact Us today for more information on Boat Insurance in Ontario and get a Free Quote.
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